The clinical diagnostic aspects of acute pancreatic encephalopathy

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The pancreatic encephalopathy is characterized by various focal neurological symptomatic and sporadic fast development of dementia is considered as a rare complication of acute pancreatitis developing in 9-35% of patients with diseases of pancreas. Factually every patient with acute pancreatitis has a risk of development of pancreatic encephalopathy that significantly makes severer course of disease and increases lethality. The review article considers particular aspects of clinical manifestations and probable diagnostic algorithm of neurological disorders observed in patients with acute pancreatitis. The actuality of development of diagnostic algorithm of pancreatic encephalopathy is emphasized. This algorithm will permit ultimately early, probably at pre-clinical stage, discover the mentioned complication of acute pancreatitis with the purpose of not only ultimate early detection of pancreatic encephalopathy but also development of pathogenically conditioned therapeutic algorithm considering all chains of pathogenesis.

About the authors

A. A Strutsenko

Peoples' friendship university of Russia

candidate of medical sciences, associated professor of the chair of nervous diseases and neurosurgery 117198, Moscow, Russia

I. V Damulin

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

The chair of nervous diseases and neurosurgery 119992, Moscow, Russia

N. V Mazurtchik

Peoples' friendship university of Russia

The chair of hospital therapy 117198, Moscow, Russia

P. P Ogurtsov

Peoples' friendship university of Russia

The chair of hospital therapy 117198, Moscow, Russia


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