The clinical aspects of effectiveness of incretin therapy (WNT-pathogenic path and polymorphism of gene TCF7L2)

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The article considers genetic susceptibility to development of diabetes mellitus type II, its micro-vascular complications and intensity of response under application of incretin therapy depending on carriage of polymorphism of gene TCF7L2 involved into WNT-path and incretin axis.

About the authors

A. S Ametov

The Russian medical academy of post-graduate education of Minzdrav of Russia

123995, Moscow, Russia

Lyudmila L. Kamynina

The Russian medical academy of post-graduate education of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD 123995, Moscow, Russia

Z. G Akhmedova

The A. Aliev Azerbaijan state institute of post-graduate training of physicians

370012, Baku, Republic of Azerbaydzhan


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