The surgery correction of presbyopia: the modern possibilities

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The article presents review of actual publications' data concerning surgical correction of presbyopia. The data is presented related to social significance of presbyopia alongside with other disorders of refraction. The techniques applying monovision include thermokeratoplasty and such its modification as laser and radio-frequency thermokeratoplasty. All of them have number of deficiencies. The exdmer-laser ablation of cornea in the form of Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) or Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) are considered as kerato-refractional techniques of correction of presbyopia. The femtosecond laser intrastromal correction of presbyopia (INTRACOR) is also labeled as kerato-refractional technique of correction of presbyopia and it is based on making intrastromal concentric rings in the central optical zone of cornea. The deficiency of INTRACOR is a relatively high cost of procedure due to application of femtosecond laser. The implantation of inlays (artificial devices) into cornea permits correcting presbyopia with less financial expenses. However, there are number of contraindications for implementing. The Tornton and Schachar operations are referred to the group of sclerotic operations of correcting presbyopia. However, nowadays these interventions are practically out of application. The implantation of intraocular lenses, including accommodating, multi-focal and monofocal by the principle of monovision ones, can be considered as the most adequate mode of correction of presbyopia. The advantages and disadvantages of implantation of various types of intraocular lenses are considered in detail.

About the authors

Kirill B. Pershin

The clinic «Excimer» of «Modern medical technologies»; Institute of post-graduate training of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

doctor of medical sciences, RANS academician, professor of chair of ophthalmology the institute of post-graduate training of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia, medical director of «Excimer» opthalmologic clinics network 109147, Moscow, Russia


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