The characteristics of magnesium homeostasis and remodeling of heart in patients with ischemia of myocardium against the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue

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The study was carried out to evaluate dynamics of level of magnesium of blood serum and structural functional parameters of heart in patients with acute myocardium infarction developed against the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue. The study included 90 patients with myocardium infarction with Q wave and with and without nondifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue. The control group consisted of healthy persons and comparison group included patients with non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue without cardiovascular pathology. The clinical and phenotype examination including echocardiography testing of heart, detection of level of magnesium in blood serum in dynamics of myocardium infarction course were implemented. In patients with myocardium infarction, independently of occurrence of non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue during the first day of study decreasing of level of magnesium in blood serum was observed. In the group of patients with myocardium infarction, and non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue, up to twenty-eighth day, reliable decreasing of magnesium occurred as compared with control group and comparison group. In group of patients with myocardium infarction and non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue expressed increase of size of cavity of left ventricle was established including decreasing of its pumping function in combination with tendency to less expressed increasing of index of myocardium mass of left ventricle as compared with patients with myocardium infarction and without non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue. In patients with myocardium infarction occurring against the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connective tissue hypomagnesemia is associated with development of desadaptive alternative of post-infarction remodeling of heart characterized by prevalence of processes of dilatation of cavity of left ventricle with decreasing of contractive capacity over processes of hypertrophy of myocardium.

About the authors

Elizaveta P. Miroshnichenko

The V.I. Vernadskiy Krimskiy federal university

assistant of the chair of internal medicine №1 with course of clinical pharmacology The V.I. Vernadskiy Krimskiy federal university 295006, Simferopol, Russia

A. V Ushakov

The V.I. Vernadskiy Krimskiy federal university

кафедра внутренней медицины № 1 с курсом клинической фармакологии Медицинской академии имени С.И. Георгиевского 295006, Simferopol, Russia


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