The activity of renin-angiotensin system in patients with arterial hypertension in population of the Gornaia Shoria

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The study was carried out to investigate characteristics of pathophysiological variants of arterial hypertension depending on activity of plasma renin in indigenous (Shors) and non-indigenous population of the Gornaia Shoria.The clinical epidemiological study was carried out concerning indigenous population of hard-to-reach regions of the Gornaia Shoria. The continuous sampling technique was applied on the basis of nominal lists to select 837 residents of the mentioned villages (513 personf of indigenous population (Shors) and 324 of non-indigenous population). The particular sampling consisted of adult population, including individuals of 18 years and older. The activity of plasma renin was evaluated using test-systems of BRG (Germany). All examined patients were separated in two groups. The first group included patients with arterial hypertension with concentration of plasma renin > 47,85 picograms per ml (development of disease is related to excessive release of renin and activation of renin-angiotensin system). The second group included patients wit arterial hypertension with content of plasma renin < 47,85 picograms per ml (arterial hypertension is related to suppression of release of renin and retention of sodium in organism). The renin - dependent arterial hypertension more was often found among representatives of non-indigenous nationality (89,8 % against 65,5%) and the volume-dependent arterial hypertension - among representatives of indigenous nationality (34,4 % against 10,1%). In the indigenous ethnic group of Shors the renin - dependent arterial hypertension was associated with younger age and expressed structural functional alterations of heart in the form of increased index of myocardium mass of left ventricle. The volume-dependent arterial hypertension was associated with average age and increased indicator of thick- Clinical medicine ness of complex of intima-media. In non-indigenous ethnic group the renin - dependent arterial hypertension was associated with increased level of index of waist/thigh. The volume-dependent arterial hypertension was associated with expressed structural functional alterations of heart in the form of increased index of myocardium mass of left ventricle.

About the authors

Tatiana A. Mulerova

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases; The Novokuznetskiy state institute of post-graduate training of physicians of Minzdrav of Russia

candidate of medical sciences, research fellow of laboratory of epidemiology of the Research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases; assistant of chair of cardiology of the Novokuznetskiy state institute of post-graduate training of physicians Kemerovo, Russia

E. G Uchasova

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases

Kemerovo, Russia

A. N Chigisova

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases

Kemerovo, Russia

M. Yu Ogarkov

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases; The Novokuznetskiy state institute of post-graduate training of physicians of Minzdrav of Russia

Kemerovo, Russia


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