The fibrillation of atrium and stroke

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The article considers fibrillation of atrium as one of the mostly frequent alternative of cardiac rhythm disturbance and its significance in genesis of development of cardio-embolic stroke. It is emphasized that stroke risk in patients with atrium fibrillation increases in case of occurrence of concurrent arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and increasing of age. It is marked that stroke developed against the background of atrium fibrillation proceeds as a rule in a more severe way and is accompanied with higher disability and lethality than stroke developed against the background of normal sinus rhythm or in case of valvar origin of emboli that is caused in average large size of emboli. The area of cerebral infarction developed because of embolism is commonly larger than in case of thrombolitic infarction and at affection of the same cerebral vessel. The main technique of diagnostic in case of cardio-embolic stroke is computer or magnetic resonance tomography of brain. These examinations mostly visualize neatly cuneiform delineated zone of ischemia at the border of white and gray substances of brain. The cardiological examination us implemented too (ECG, echoCG). Monitoring of patients with cardio-embolic stroke developed against the background of atrium fibrillation is carried out according general principles implemented in case of ischemic stroke. To prevent recurrent cardioembolism per oral anticoagulants are applied in most cases.

About the authors

Igor’ V. Damulin

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc. 119991 Moscow, Russia

D. A Andreev

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

Кафедра неотложной и профилактической кардиологии 119991 Moscow, Russia


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