The dynamics of indicators of inflammation, antioxidant defense and myocardium ischemia under coronary bypass surgery using artificial blood circulation and on functioning heart

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The article considers evaluation of indicators of inflammation, antioxidant defense and myocardium ischemia in patients with ischemic heart disease exposed to coronary bypass surgery using artificial blood circulation or on functioning heart. The sampling included 96 patients distributed to two groups. The first group included 84 patients (81% of males, average age 62,2±7,7 years) exposed to coronary bypass surgery in conditions of artificial blood circulation. The second group included 12 patients (91,7% of males, average age 59,8±8,0 years) exposed to coronary bypass surgery on functioning heart without artificial blood circulation. The study demonstrated significant increasing of level of interleukin-6 in patients with ischemic heart disease after application of coronary bypass surgery with extra-corporal blood circulation that confirms high activity of inflammation factors at the given disease. The reconstructing operations on hearts in conditions of artificial blood circulation are accompanied by decreasing of concentration of superoxiddismutase. At that, the level of analyzed bio-marker remains as compared with operation on functioning heart. This occurrence testifies activation of oxidative process and intensified consumption of as factor of antioxidant defense in the course of direct re-vascularization of myocardium. The concentration of troponin increases in post-operational period of reconstructing operation but differences are unreliable when analyzed groups are compared.

About the authors

Olesya A. Rubanenko

The Samarskiy state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia; The Samarskiy oblastnoy clinical cardiologic dispensary

candidate of medical sciences, assistant lecturer of the chair of faculty therapy Samara state medical university 443099, Samara, Russia

O. V Fatenkov

The Samarskiy state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

443099, Samara, Russia

S. M Khokhlunov

The Samarskiy state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia; The Samarskiy oblastnoy clinical cardiologic dispensary

443099, Samara, Russia

L. V Limareva

The Samarskiy state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

443099, Samara, Russia


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