The imbalance of fatty acids metabolism under obesity and diabetes mellitus type II in women with insulin resistance

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The results of study testify that in women obesity and diabetes mellitus type II are accompanied by dyslipidaemia of atherogenic character with activation of processes of lipid peroxidation and disorders of system of antioxidant defense. The diabetes mellitus type II conditioned by imbalance in system POL-AOA is accompanied by higher concentration of peroxided lipoproducts. decreasing of parameters of antioxidant systems and utilization of glucose by cells. The obesity and diabetes mellitus type II is accompanied by modification of content of free and esterified fatty acids of blood plasma. This occurrence can result in alterations of functional activity of cell membranes and therefore in decreasing of functional activity of insulin receptors and insulin-dependent glucose transporter. The results of study convincingly testify the important role of fatty acids and their metabolites in pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes mellitus type II. This is to be accounted in development and choosing of corresponding preventive and therapeutic activities targeted to prevention or elimination of detected disorders.

About the authors

Nina P. Mikaelyan

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc. 117997 Moscow, Russia

Kh. Z Nguien

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997 Moscow, Russia

A. A Mikaelyan

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997 Moscow, Russia


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