The optimization of diagnostic of cervix cancer

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The cervix cancer is one of the most prevalent oncological diseases. so far as viruses of human papilloma play determining role in development of this pathology the most important significance in their diagnostic acquire modern techniques of laboratory analyses. In the process of determination of algorithm of monitoring of female patients infected by virus of human papilloma such innovative diagnostic techniques were implemented as fluid cytology and identification of oncoprotein p16 ink4a. It is demonstrated that in female patients infected with virus of human papilloma the clinical picture very often had no equivalence to intensity of pathological process under cytological diagnostic. Thereupon, the algorithm was developed related to monitoring of female patients under different combined alternatives of clinical and cytological manifestation of cervix dysplasia.

About the authors

Ol’ga S. Alyautdina

The medical center MedSwiss

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. Moscow, Russia

O. V Sinitsina

The Moscow municipal oncological hospital № 62

Moscow, Russia


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