The results of epidemiological surveillance of enterovirus gastroenteritis on social ecosystem, cellular and sub-cellular levels in Azerbaijan

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The epidemiological surveillance of enterovirus infections is an actual issue of health care in many countries and provides organization of control at different levels. The study was organized to examine particular characteristics of enterovirus infection at social ecosystem, cellular and sub-cellular levels. During 2010-2012 the fecal suspensions from 121 children and 127 adults were analyzed. The serological, virological and molecular genetic methods were applied. The following marker characteristics of enterovirus were examined: characteristics of miotropism, cytopathic effect, s, d and rct 40. The rate of occurrence of enterovirus infection in different age groups was established: 0-6 months - 22%, 7-11 mouths - 41.1%, 1-2 years - 39%, 2-14 years - 19%. The serotype-specific landscape of isolated enteroviruses was as follows: Coxsackie A types 17, 18, 20 and 21. It is demonstrated that express diagnostic of enterovirus infection requires applying indication of RNA enterovirus in different bio-samples simultaneously. It is established that cultural and serological methods are rather important for retrospective epidemiological analysis of enterovirus infection.

About the authors

Lala I. Rustamova

The V. Akhundov National research institute of medical prevention of Minzdrav of the Republic of Azerbaijan

MD, PhD Az 1065 Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan

N. N Alieva

The V. Akhundov National research institute of medical prevention of Minzdrav of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Az 1065 Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan

Z. M Kulieva

The A. Aliev Azerbaijan state institute of post-graduate training of physicians of Minzdrav of the Republic of Azerbaijan

кафедра педиатрии Az 1012 Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan

N. A Azizova

The A. Aliev Azerbaijan state institute of post-graduate training of physicians of Minzdrav of the Republic of Azerbaijan

кафедра педиатрии Az 1012 Baku, the Republic of Azerbaijan

M. N Mamedova


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