The outcomes of pregnancy and delivery in women with mechanical prostheses of cardiac valves

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The study was carried out to examine course of pregnancy and cardiologic, obstetrician and neonatal complications in women with mechanical prosthesises of cardiac valves. The prospective study included 16 pregnant women with mechanical prosthesises of cardiac valves. In the first trimester, the thrombosis of prosthesis valve was discovered in 2 pregnant women. The dysfunction of valve prosthesis in the form of thrombosis of prosthesis was discovered in 2 pregnant women in postnatal period. The para-prosthesis fistula was detected in2 pregnant women. The pregnancy proceeded with menace of miscarriage in 9 women out of 16. In one of these women pregnancy ended by premature delivery. In the rest of examined women pregnancy yielded to conservative therapy. The syndrome of growth inhibition was detected in 7 fetuses. The disorder of hemodynamics in fetoplacental system was established in 4 fetuses. The premature aging of placenta was diagnosed in 3 fetuses. The oligohydramnios was discovered in 8 fetuses and hydramnion was diagnosed in one fetus. The birth of alive children occurred in 16 out of 14 pregnancies. The antenatal fetal death occurred in 2 pregnancies. Among children born alive, 11 children were born at full-term period and three were born prematurely at 32, 35 and 36 weeks of gestation. The body mass-body height indicator of full-term children consisted from 44 to 63. In healthy condition 7 newborns were discharged out of hospital with mothers. In specialized children hospitals 7 newborns were transfered because of health condition. The course of pregnancy in women with mechanical prostheses of cardiac valves is related to high risk of complications of fetus and newborn.

About the authors

Leyla R. Adilova

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

аспирант кафедры репродуктивной медицины и хирургии 127473 Moscow, Russia

L. V Adamian

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

127473 Moscow, Russia

E. S Liashko

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

127473 Moscow, Russia

E. M Shifman

The M.F. Vladimirskii Moscow oblast research clinical institute

129110 Moscow Russia

E. E Tulkina

The peoples' friendship university of Russia; The O.M. Filatov municipal clinical hospital № 15

117198 Moscow, Russia

O. V Konisheva

The O.M. Filatov municipal clinical hospital № 15

111539 Moscow, Russia


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