The new respiratory viral infections

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Nowadays more than 200 agents of acute respiratory viral infections - viruses relevant to different families of orthomyxoviruses (influenza virus), paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus), adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, human bocaviruses, etc. The viruses of respiratory viral infections through droplet way penetrate cells of epithelium of mucous membrane of upper respiratory ways where replicate and affect other organs and tissues and bring on rise of temperature, shiver, rhinitis, headache, throat pain and cough. Besides feverish forms of respiratory viral infections, complications in form of encephalitis, paralysis and lethal outcome are described. The review considers data concerning diagnostic and clinical epidemiological characteristics of new viruses of respiratory viral infections. The human metapneumovirus is a recently identified human paramyxovirus. The diagnostic of infection of human metapneumovirus is based on detection of viral RNA using reverse transcription combined with polymerase chain reaction and immune enzyme analysis to identify specific antibodies. The human bocavirus is a new parvovirus bringing on respiratory viral infections in children in various countries of the world. This virus also is capable to bring on acute gastroenteritis and persist in children asymptomatically. The detection of human bocavirus DNA using polymerase chain reaction remains the most reliable technique of diagnostic in clinical samples.

About the authors

Elena I. Isaeva

The D.I. Ivanovskii research institute of virology of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, Leading researcher 123098 Moscow, Russia


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