The condition of immunity and methods of its correction in patients with hernia of abdominal wall against the background of chronic clamidiosis

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The article considers resulting materials of examination and treatment of 20 patients (main group) aged 22-45 years (5 males, 15 females) addressed to the Research center of surgery for application of herniaplasty and who were detected urogenital clamidiosis after bacterioscopic, cultural and serological analysis. The relapsing ventral hernia was diagnosed in 9 patients, relapsing inguinal hernia - in 3 patients and femoral hernia - in 1 female patient. The control group included 20 patients with hernia of anterior abdominal wall without any chronic infection. The analysis of indicators of cellular and humoral chain of immune system established that patients with chronic clamidiosis are characterized by occurrence of suppression in T-cell chain and imbalance of indicators of humoral immunity. The occurrence of clinical signs of immunodeficiency in patients with hernia of anterior abdominal wall is a direct indication for prescription of immune correctional therapy during preoperational period. In patients with chronic clamidiosis Imunofan provides significant immune correctional effect manifesting as positive dynamics of indicators of cellular and humoral immunity. At the same time, therapy by Imunofan combined with 0. 33% tincture of saffron is more effective method of immune correction.

About the authors

Gidayat B. Isaev

The M.A. Topchubashov research center of surgery

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 1007 Baku, Azerbaijan

A. V Dzhebrailova

The M.A. Topchubashov research center of surgery

1007 Baku, Azerbaijan


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