The diagnostic value of determination of haptoglobin level and ceruloplasmin activity in patients with ovary cancer

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The monitoring of patients with ovary cancer was implemented to evaluate effect of combined treatment the content of haptoglobin (the immunoturbidimetric technique applied) and oxydase activity of ceruloplasmin (the colorimetric technique applied). The comparison of obtained data with results of ultrasound monitoring and parameters of intratumoral hemodynamics of local recurrence was implemented. The reliable alterations of examined indicators were established under appearance of recurrence of ovary cancer and intensification of vascularization of recurrent tumor. The study established increased content of haptoglobin in patients with remission (as compared with its level in group of healthy women) and its significant increasing under expressed vascularization of recurrent tumor. The dynamics of level of haptoglobin corresponded to dynamics of ultrasound parameters of evaluation of effectiveness of treatment of recurrence. The alteration of ceruloplasmin activity was less expressed though it was detected at the earlier stage of recurrence in patients with avascular recurrence.

About the authors

E. I Surikova

The Rostov research institute of oncology, Minzdrav of Russia

344037 Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Irina A. Goroshinskaia

The Rostov research institute of oncology, Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc 344037 Rostov-on-Don, Russia

N. A Maksimova

The Rostov research institute of oncology, Minzdrav of Russia

344037 Rostov-on-Don, Russia

P. S Kachesova

The Rostov research institute of oncology, Minzdrav of Russia

344037 Rostov-on-Don, Russia

M. M Sergeeva

The Rostov research institute of oncology, Minzdrav of Russia

344037 Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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