The thickness of skin of mammary gland as factor of diagnostics of edematous cancer

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The condition of skin of 100 patients with edematous form of cancer of mammary gland was examined. The thickening of skin larger than 2.5-3 mm as compared with symmetric area of healthy mammary gland. The average thickness of skin of edematous gland is 5.6 cm, maximal thickness is 14 mm. The sensitivity of techniques of digital radiologic mammography and echography with sensor rate of 7.5 mHz and higher amounted to 97% and plicometry to 96%. The quantitative detection of thickness of skin with radiological techniques of examination and plicometry technique is a precise and objective mode of diagnostic of edematous cancer of mammary gland.

About the authors

Erik K. Saribekian

Moscow research institute of oncology of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc 125284 Moscow, Russia

S. O Stepanov

Moscow research institute of oncology of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

N. A Rubtsova

Moscow research institute of oncology of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

A. V Ermakov

Moscow research institute of oncology of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

M. V Maiorova

Moscow research institute of oncology of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia


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