The prevention of development of syndrome of hyperstimulation of ovary in program of extra-corporeal fertilization

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The article presents results of comparative analysis of procedure of extra-corporeal fertilization in female patients with early (before embryo transfer) and late (after embryo transfer) syndrome of hyper-stimulation of ovary. The common risk factors for early and late syndrome of extra-corporeal fertilization (age less than 32 years, body mass index less than 24.5 kg/m2, syndrome of poly-cystic ovary) and specific risk factors for early form (male sterility, application of agonists of gonadotropin -releasing hormone) and late form (onset of multiple pregnancy) of syndrome of extra-corporeal fertilization are established. The techniques of prevention of early and late syndrome of extra-corporeal fertilization are presented.

About the authors

Liya N. Scherbakova

The M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

MD, PhD, assistant professor 119192 Moscow, Russia

N. V Ivanova

The M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

119192 Moscow, Russia

A. E Bugerenko

The M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

119192 Moscow, Russia

O. B Panina

The M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

119192 Moscow, Russia


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