The function of position of physician and attendance of otolaryngologists in 2007-2012

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The function of medical position of otolaryngologists increased up to 6.8% during 2007-2012 on the whole in the country. The highest indicator is marked in the South, Central and Ural federal okrugs. The coefficients of denial of function of medical position of otolaryngologists exceeded all-Russian indicator in the Central, South, Privoljskii and Ural federal okrugs. The total number of visits to the specialists of given profile increased up to 0.4% and home attendance up to 8.1% on the whole in the country. Against this background, number of visits to specialists because of diseases decreased except the Central federal okrug. The visits to specialists by rural residents increased in most federal okrugs.

About the authors

V. I Starodubov

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia

Maisa A. Ivanova

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc. 127254, Moscow, Russia

T. A Sokolovskaya

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia

M. N Bantyeva

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia


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