The algorithm of verification of risk of reactions of hypersensitivity to medicinal remedies in peri-operational period

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The article presents the algorithm of identification of risk of reactions of hypersensitivity to medicinal remedies in perioperational period. The method includes clinical laboratory techniques and such allergenic tests as test of inhibition of natural emigration of leukocytes, sub lingual and dosage provocative test with evaluation of eosinophilia in peripheral blood and nasal secretion, increasing of basic level of tryptase (to detect hypersensitivity to anesthetics, antibiotics, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory remedies), application, prick- and intra-cutaneous tests (to detect hypersensitivity to anesthesia remedies, muscle relaxants, opioid analgesics, rentgenocontrast substances, vancomycin), prick-test with latex allergen. In 2010-2012, according to developed algorithm, in the central clinical hospital of the Russian academy of sciences 20 healthy volunteers were examined. The maximal concentrations of working solutions for cutaneous testing without irritation effect were selected. The absence of false positive results of tests and non-specific histamine liberation is demonstrated.

About the authors

Dar'ya G. Jukova

The central clinical hospital of the Russian academy of sciences

doctor 117593 Moscow, Russia

E. S Fedenko

The institute of immunology of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

117593 Moscow, Russia

A. A Yudin

The central clinical hospital of the Russian academy of sciences; The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117593 Moscow, Russia

N. V Lebedeva

The central clinical hospital of the Russian academy of sciences

117593 Moscow, Russia

A. E Nikitin

The central clinical hospital of the Russian academy of sciences

117593 Moscow, Russia

E. O Loshkareva

N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997 Moscow, Russia


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