The possibilities of improvement of diagnosis of patients with post-infarction cardiosclerosis

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The article presents analysis of endovascular treatment of 166 patients with post-infarction cardiosclerosis. It is proved that in patients with post-infarction cardiosclerosis having vital but hibernated myocardium in the zone of affected artery the restoration of coronary blood flow permits not only to eliminate signs of chronic ischemia, to slow down post-infarction remodeling of heart but to restore lost functions of hibernated myocardium. On the whole, these occurrences can benevolently influence the prognosis of disease. The reliable dependence between terms of restoration of coronary blood low and function of hibernated myocardium is established.

About the authors

A. V Patrikeev

The peoples' friendship university of Russia; The N.A. Semashko central clinical hospital N 2 of "RGD"

117198 Moscow, Russia

V. Ya Rudman

The peoples' friendship university of Russia; The Khabarovsk Kraii hospital N 2 of Minzdrav of Khabarovsk Kraii

117198 Moscow, Russia

Daniil A. Maksimkin

The peoples' friendship university of Russia; The N.A. Semashko central clinical hospital N 2 of "RGD"

MD, PhD 117198 Moscow, Russia

A. V Mambetov

The peoples' friendship university of Russia

117198 Moscow, Russia

G. I Veretnik

The peoples' friendship university of Russia

117198 Moscow, Russia

V. Yu Baranovich

The peoples' friendship university of Russia; The N.A. Semashko central clinical hospital N 2 of "RGD"

117198 Moscow, Russia

A. G Faibushevich

The peoples' friendship university of Russia

117198 Moscow, Russia

Z. H Shugushev

The peoples' friendship university of Russia; The N.A. Semashko central clinical hospital N 2 of "RGD"

117198 Moscow, Russia


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