The correction of micro-circulatory disorders in strategies of management of osteoarthritis and osteohondropathies

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The article presents international and Russian data revealing necessity of development of new approaches to medical management under diseases of musculo-skeletal system because of considerable medical social consequences. The role of micro-circulatory disorders as a point of application of therapeutic strategies under treatment of osteoarthritis and osteohondropathy is substantiated using results of modern scientific research studies. The article presents comprehensive analysis of public statistic data, experimental and clinical studies permitting concluding that effective correction of micro-circulatory disorders can level medical and social economic consequences of considered nosologic forms. The necessity to expand studies of micro-circulation in corresponding category of patients is for development of new schemes and algorithms of treatment is substantiated. The perspective of considering correction of micro-circulatory disorders as a significant direction of management of diseases of musculo-skeletal system is demonstrated.

About the authors

Aleksey N. Vanov

The Saratov research institute of traumatology and orthopedics of Minzdrav of Russia

МБ, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, Leading Scientist 410002 Saratov, Russia

A. S Fedonnikov

The Saratov research institute of traumatology and orthopedics of Minzdrav of Russia

410002 Saratov, Russia

I. A Norkin

The Saratov research institute of traumatology and orthopedics of Minzdrav of Russia

410002 Saratov, Russia

D. M Puchinian

The Saratov research institute of traumatology and orthopedics of Minzdrav of Russia

410002 Saratov, Russia


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