The comparative analysis of average duration of treatment of victims with different forms of acute intoxications of chemical etiology in 2006 and 2013

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The article deals with comparative analysis of average duration of treatment victims with different forms of acute intoxications of chemical etiology in 2006 and 2013 in Omsk. It is established that in 2013 duration of hospitalization increased under light forms of acute drug intoxications, average severity forms of alcoholic intoxications. The duration of hospitalization of patients with acute intoxications with cauterizing poisons of different degrees of severity is significantly decreased. The implementation of new diagnostic and curative technologies, standards and algorithms of medical care and extension of bed stock of department of acute intoxications permitted in general to decrease average period of hospitalization of patients in 2013 as compared with 2006.

About the authors

Aleksandr V. Sabaev

The municipal clinical hospital of emergency medical care №1

MD, PhD 644043 Omsk, Russia

O. P Goleva

The Omsk state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

644043 Omsk, Russia

L. A Zubenko

The municipal clinical hospital of emergency medical care №1

644043 Omsk, Russia


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