The optimization of surgical treatment of patients with varicose disease of lower extremities

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The comparative analysis was implemented concerning endo-venous laser obliteration (group I, n=290), and combined phlebectomy (group II, n=112) in complex surgical treatment of patients with varicose disease of lower extremities of class C2-C4. In group I 97.4% of patients developed obliteration of trunk of great saphena. In group II lack of great saphena was detected in 90.2% of patients. The post-operation complications (pain, paresthesia, haematoma) were more distinctly expressed in group I. To evaluate quality of life of patients in one year after operation questionnaire CIVIQ-2 and scale VCSS were implemented. The indicators in group I made up to correspondingly 16.8±0,5 and 1.2±0.3 and in group II - 20.2±1.1 and 1.9±0.4. Therefore, as compared with patients after combined phlebectomy, in patients after endo-venous laser obliteration quality of life increased and severity of clinical occurrence of varicose disease decreased in more degree. The article affirms that in patients operated on the occasion of varicose disease of lower extremities it is not enough to apply only physical methods of prevention of thrombosis of saphena. Under choosing method of anti-thrombotic prevention and determination of its volume the approach is to be strictly individual. The treatment is to be implemented as task-oriented and is to consider domination of different factors determining hemoreology and hemostasis. Two different technical alternatives of endo-venous laser obliteration were applied. In group I, it was laser with wave length 1030 nm, butt-end optical conductor, linear density of energy 80-100 J/cm. In group II it was laser with wave length 1470 nm, radial optical conductor with automated traction (0.7 mm/s, linear density of energy 80-100 J/cm). In patients of group II the post-operation period was accompanied with less expressed pain syndrome, lower rate of development of haematoma in early post-operative period and also better results in remote times.

About the authors

L. A Bokeria

The Russian medical academy of post-graduate education of Minzdrav of Russia

Кафедра сердечно-сосудистой хирургии 123995 Moscow, Russia

M. V Mikhailichenko

The Russian medical academy of post-graduate education of Minzdrav of Russia

Кафедра сердечно-сосудистой хирургии 123995 Moscow, Russia

Vladimir I. Kovalenko

The Russian medical academy of post-graduate education of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc, prof., Department of cardiovascular surgery 123995 Moscow, Russia


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