The development of oncological care in the Russian Federation in view of implementation of public programs

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The data of electronic questionnaire “The passport of oncological dispensary” was used for monitoring of effectiveness of oncological care support of population in 20 regions of the Russian Federation implementing public programs of health care development in 2009 and 2010. The evaluation was given concerning development of material technical base and manpower of oncological service, effectiveness of preventive activities in the regions with total population more than 31 millions individuals. The development and implementation of preventive programs of federal and regional level, activation of activity and numbers of examination and primary oncological rooms based in curative preventive institutions permits to increase identification of patients with early stages of disease that significantly impacts effectiveness of specific treatment and benevolent outcome.

About the authors

A. D Kaprin

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

V. V Starinskii

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

Larisa M. Aleksandrova

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD 125284 Moscow, Russia

V. I Chissov

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

P. Yu Balashov

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

A. S Lutkovskii

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia

V. V Savinov

Moscow research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

125284 Moscow, Russia


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