The possibilities of application of neutrophil gelatinase associated lipokalin and other markers of acute damage of kidneys under acute coronary syndrome

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The article considers application of markers of acute damage of kidneys (cystatin C, molecule of kidney damage-1, interleukin 18 and protein binding hepatic fatty acids of L-type) and most perspective of them - neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) in cardiology and in particular under acute coronary syndrome. Among markers of acute damage of kidneys specific attention was paid NGAL (in blood and urine). Its participation in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases is marked. The results of application of NGAL under different forms of ischemic heart disease, acute cardiac insufficiency, in cardiac-surgical patients are presented. The advantages of NGAL in comparison with markers of acute damage of kidneys mentioned above are demonstrated. At the same time, it is marked that there is not enough data testifying prognostic value of NGAL under acute coronary syndrome. There is not enough information about its comparison and interaction with natriuretic peptides.

About the authors

Maria A. Shalenkova

The municipal clinical hospital № 38

MD PhD, consultant 603000 Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia

Z. D Mikhailova

The municipal clinical hospital № 38

603000 Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia

P. F Klimkin

The municipal clinical hospital № 38

603000 Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia


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