The modern view on etiology, pathogenesis and modes of treatment of hysteromyoma

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The article presents actual data concerning possible pathology and pathogenesis of hysteromyoma. The various views and theories related to origin of this disease are presented. The modern classifications of this pathology are expounded. The alternatives of conservative and operative treatment depending on age of patients, clinical manifestations of disease, presence of complaints and concern of preservation and realization of reproductive function. The approaches to treatment of given pathology from the position of endocrinology and organ-preserving and reconstructive surgery are exposed. The issues of surgical and hormonal therapy in female patients of reproductive and premenopause age. The operational approaches depending on size, type of growth, localization of myoma nodes and technical possibilities of hospital are described in details. The article enumerates innovative modes of treatment of hysteromyoma using ultrasound, high temperature, embolization of vessels supplying blood to myoma node.

About the authors

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kondratovitch

The V.I. Kulakov research center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of Minzdrav of Russia

a postgraduate student in the Department of operative gynecology 117997, Moscow, Russia


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