The review and comparative analysis of modern updated recommendations on tactics of treatment of patients with non-valve fibrillation of atrium

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The article presents comparative analysis of modern national recommendations on management of patients with non-valve form of fibrillation of atrium with European and American recommendations. The Russian and foreign approaches are compared both to anti-arrhythmic therapy and to prevention of the most threatening complication of fibrillation of atrium - acute disorder of cerebral circulation. The important differences concern the tactics of separation of most threatened patients and application of means of prevention first of all warfarin and new oral anticoagulants.

About the authors

G. I Storozhakov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

Кафедра госпитальной терапии № 2 117997, Moscow, Russia

E. M Alekseeva

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

the graduate student of department of hospital therapy N 2 117997, Moscow, Russia

A. V Melekhov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

Кафедра госпитальной терапии № 2 117997, Moscow, Russia

G. E Gendlin

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

Кафедра госпитальной терапии № 2 117997, Moscow, Russia


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