The problems and perspectives of prevention, diagnostic and treatment of tick-borne encephalitis

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The circulation of virus of tick-borne encephalitis in composition of stable parasitic system including virus, tick-agents and vertebrata of many species excludes possibility of total elimination of virus under alteration of numbers of particular species of tank hosts. The inactivated vaccines developed about 40-77 years ago with vaccine strains of Far Eastern and European genetic types are applied to prevent tick-borne encephalitis in spite of domination of Siberian type of virus of tick-borne encephalitis in most endemic oblasts of Russia. The new approaches to development of vaccines include application of modern strains of three main genetic types of virus of tick-borne encephalitis using cell cultures instead of fibroblasts of chicken embryos. The DNA- and RNA-immunization, multiple antigen peptides and alteration of adjuvants and addition of cytokines are applied too. The diagnostic of tick-borne encephalitis is based on detection of antibodies in enzymoimmunoassay and detection of viral RNA using reverse transcription with polymerase chain reaction in real-time. The comparison of techniques of detection of tick-borne encephalitis according their sensitivity and specificity objectifies necessity of combined approaches. The specific and effective preparations for treatment of tick-borne encephalitis are unknown nowadays. Therefore, the schemes of treatment in different countries situated in risk zones differ. In Russia, treatment of tick-borne encephalitis is based on application of specific immunoglobulin from serums of donor blood, analogues or inductors of interferons and ribonuclease A from pancreas of bull as well. However, it is known that such high molecular weight proteins as immunoglobulins and ribonucleases with molecular mass from 12.3-13.7 no 45-150 kD are not capable to penetrate eukaryotic cells and extra cellular virions. Hence, their possible effect is limited by surfaces of infected cells and virions. Also, the risk of contamination of preparations from donor blood or organs ofr animals as infection agents is not excluded.

About the authors

Olga V. Morozova

The D.I. Ivanovskii research institute of virology of Minzdrav of Russia

leading researcher, Laboratory of Immunology 123098, Moscow, Russia


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