The functioning of primary medical care and its provision with specialists

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The results of analysis of provision of medical organizations with specialists of primary medical care testify increasing of provision with general practitioners up to 35.7%, especially in the Southern Federal okrug. However, provision with district physicians-therapists was invariably low during all analyzed period and factually in all okrugs of country trended to decreasing. The provision with district paediatricians in profile of Federal okrug trended to decreasing. The number of visits to specialists of primary medical care increased. The under-staffing was compensated by combining jobs of vacant positions.

About the authors

V. I Starodubov

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia

M. A Ivanova

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia

Marina N. Bantieva

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, deputy Head of Labour norming of medical personnel department, leading research associate 127254, Moscow, Russia

T. A Sokolovskaya

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia

O. V Armashevskaya

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russia


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