The effect of substitutive therapy with levothyroxine on condition of vascular wall in women with hypothyroidism and arterial hypertension in period of menopause

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The article considers effect of substitutive therapy of hypothyroidism on the risk factors of development of atherosclerosis and rigidity of arteries in women with arterial hypertension in state of menopause. The sampling included 60 female patients in menopause with arterial hypertension and suffering with hypothyroidism (20 patients with overt hypothyroidism and 40 patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism). The therapy with L-T4 (L-Thyroxine, Berlin Chemie) was prescribed to female patients with overt hypothyroidism. The female patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism were randomized on group with L-T4 therapy and group without therapy. In all female patients the level of arterial blood pressure, TSH, free T4, free T3, total cholesterol and triglycerides were assessed initially and after 6 months of treatment. The velocity of pulse wave was measured using the “shoulder-ankle” mode and cardiac ankle vessel index was determined too. In female patients with overt hypothyroidism and sub-clinical hypothyroidism against the background of L-T4 therapy a significant decrease of level of TSH (overt hypothyroidism group — 11.15 (9.0; 19.8) vs. 4.87 (2.58; 6.84), p<0.02; sub-clinical hypothyroidism group — 6.87 (5.73; 8.98) vs. 3.6 (2.3; 4.4), p=0.01). In female patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism and without L-T4 therapy the dynamics of levels of TSH, free T4 was not detected. The decrease of systolic arterial pressure was detected only in female patients with overt hypothyroidism and against the background of L-T4 therapy. The reliable decrease of content of total cholesterol and TSH was detected only in female patients with overt hypothyroidism against the background of L-T4 therapy. In female patients with overt hypothyroidism and sub-clinical hypothyroidism against the background of L-T4 therapy was detected decrease of velocity of pulse wave (overt hypothyroidism group - 13.75 (13; 14.9) vs. 12.9 (12.2; 14.2); p<0.02; sub-clinical hypothyroidism group — 15.0 (12.9; 15.9) vs. 13.9 (13; 15.0); p=0.032). In female patients with sub-clinical hypothyroidism L-T4 therapy was attended by decrease of level of cardiac ankle vessel index (8.5 (7.5; 9.7) vs. 7.9 (7.25; 8.85); p<0.02). In female patients with both overt hypothyroidism and sub-clinical hypothyroidism, the compensation of function of thyroid against the background of L-T4 therapy was attained by significant amelioration of indicators of arterial rigidity. In female patients with overt hypothyroidism L-T4 therapy also results in amelioration of indicators of lipid specter.

About the authors

O. Yu Ryabtseva

Консультативно-поликлиническое отделение НИИ кардиологии им. А.Л. Мясникова, ФГБУ РКНПК Минздравсоцразвития


Z. N Blankova

Консультативно-поликлиническое отделение НИИ кардиологии им. А.Л. Мясникова, ФГБУ РКНПК Минздравсоцразвития

Ya. A Orlova

Медицинский научно-образовательный центр МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова

T. E Chazova

Медицинский центр Управления делами мэра и правительства Москвы


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