Rivaroxaban: the risk of development of undesirable reactions of interaction

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The anticoagulants in peroral form are generally applied under various diseases with increased susceptibility to thrombus formation. Nowadays, the selective anticoagulants influencing in a inhibition way only one of factors of blood coagulation system are used more extensively in the clinical practice. Rivaroxaban is one of such pharmaceuticals. Rivaroxaban regulates formation of thrombin at the expense of blocking of factor Xa action without direct impact on thrombin. The combined application of Rivaroxaban with inhibitors - CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein increases concentration of pharmaceutical in blood plasma. This occurrence significantly intensifies its pharmacodynamic effect and considerably increases risk of development of massive bleedings and other possible side-effects. Rivaroxaban is metabolized with CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein hence the most obvious manifestations of interaction reactions were detected under combined application with pharmaceuticals affecting both of these structures.

About the authors

A. S Kazakov

The Research center of expertise of facilities of medical application of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: a.kazakov15@gmail.com

A. V Astakhova

The Research center of expertise of facilities of medical application of the Ministry of Health of Russia

V. K Lepakhin

The Research center of expertise of facilities of medical application of the Ministry of Health of Russia


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