The antibodies of class IgG to virus of simple herpes type I and II and disorders of female reproductive system

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The article presents results of comparative analysis of levels of IgG-antibodies in serums of women who are positive to simple herpes virus. All female respondents were of reproductive age and were divided in two samplings i.e. women up to 12 weeks of pregnancy (n = 89) and women with barrenness in marriage (n = 123). In infertile female patients and pregnant women the virus-specific antibodies and their avidity were detected under simultaneous analysis of serums using method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The concentration of antibodies was expressed min coefficients of positivity and in titers. The mean value of concentration of serum IgG-antibodies in female patients with barrenness was statistically higher (coefficient of positivity = 6.67 ± 3.48; titer 1:800-1:3200) than in pregnant women (coefficient of positivity = 2.29 ± 1.48; titer 1:100, p = 0.001). The analysis of content of antiviral antibodies in female patients with barrenness depending on effectiveness of programs of extracorporal fertilization demonstrated that highest rate of pregnancy onset (36.1%, 30/83) was observed in female patients with low level of antibodies (n = 83, coefficient of positivity = 3.48 ± 2.4; titer 1:800). Whereas, in female patients with high level of IgG-antibodies to simple herpes virus (n = 40, coefficient of positivity = 10.0 ± 2.05; titer 1:3200) this indicator consisted 17.5% (7/40, p = 0.039). The supposition was made that high level of IgG-antibodies to simple herpes virus is associated with frequent episodes of productive herpes viral infection. To confirm this assumption the experiments with lab animals were organized. The evaluation was made of dynamics of levels of IgG-antibodies in serum of pubertal females mice DBA/2J infected with reference-strain L2 of simple herpes virus type I intravaginally in two groups. Virus was introduced to animals from first group (n = 14) once and to animals from second group (n = 14) twice with interval of 4 weeks. The concentration of antibodies was evaluated using method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with application of pair serums of animals with twice outtake of blood after every 4 weeks after virus inoculation. Out of 28 animals of both groups 6 mice (22%) were seronegative (no detection of antibodies in whole serum), 22 mice (78%) were seropositive (coefficient of positivity > 1.0, titer 1:50). Out of 22 immune mice only 4 female mice (19%) had expressed antiviral immune response (coefficient of positivity > 4.0) whereas in 18 out of 22 mice (81%) level of synthesis of mentioned immunoglobulins was significantly lower (coefficient of positivity = 1.7 ± 0.41). The increase of concentration of IgG-antibodies occurred only in the group with two-time introduction of simple herpes virus (titer 1:200- 1:400). The content of serum antibodies in female mice with single infection had no changes in course of time. These data indicates that in overwhelming majority of cases increase of level of IgG-antibodies is conditioned by synthesis of viral antigens de novo. Summing up obtained results makes it possible to conclude that high concentration of IgG-antibodies to simple herpes virus testifies productive herpes viral infection and has greater diagnostic value than it considered before. The fact that level of mentioned antibodies is statistically higher in sampling of women with barrenness indicates the negative effect of virus on female reproductive system.

About the authors

A. G Abdulmedjidova

The clinic “Meditsina”

125047, Moscow, Russia

A. V Melnitchenko

The D.I. Ivanovskiy research institute of virology of Minzdrav of Russia

123098, Moscow, Russia

A. S Tzibisov

The D.I. Ivanovskiy research institute of virology of Minzdrav of Russia

123098, Moscow, Russia

K. V Krasnopolskaya

The Moscow oblast research institute of obstetrics and gynecology of Minzdrav of Moscow oblast

101000, Moscow, Russia

N. D Lvov

The D.I. Ivanovskiy research institute of virology of Minzdrav of Russia

123098, Moscow, Russia


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