The clinical laboratory characteristics and outcomes of cerebral coma in victims with combined cranial cerebral traumas

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The sample of 643 patients with cranial cerebral traumas were examined. The clinical, electro-physiological and laboratory criteria of cerebral coma in 117 victims were analyzed. In all sampling, 65 patients survived and 52 patients died. Under severe destructive dystrophic injury of brain. Under light cranial cerebral component of trauma, the leading part belonged to severity and complications of extra cranial trauma. The disorders of hemodynamics increased hypoxia, edema of brain and metabolic disorders. The intensification of cerebral coma was related to ongoing bleeding, development of fulminant form of fat embolism and dislocation syndrome.

About the authors

N. B Schekolova

The A.A. Wagner Perm state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia


O. A Mudrova

The A.A. Wagner Perm state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

S. N Drozdov

The A.A. Wagner Perm state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia



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