The new view at inter-sphincter resection in case of cancer of inferior ampullar section of rectum

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The article presents the three step surgery technique of laporoscopy inter-sphincter resection of rectum because of cancer of its inferior ampullar section. The distinguishing characteristic of this technique is compliance of “no-touch” principle (without touching the tumor). This approach consists of primary isolation of segment of intestine with tumor at the expense of ligation of feeding vessels and blocking lumen of intestine more distal towards the tumor. Then mobilization of rectum is made with implementation of total mesorectumectomy. This approach can promote improvement of long-term oncological results of surgery.

About the authors

Inna Andreevna Tulina

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

кафедра колопроктологии и эндоскопической хирургии ФППОВ

Aleksandr Yur’evich Kravtchenko

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

кафедра колопроктологии и эндоскопической хирургии ФППОВ

Armen Oganesovich Tananiyan

The V.A. Fanardjiyan National center of oncology


M. I Bredikhin

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

кафедра колопроктологии и эндоскопической хирургии ФППОВ

Petr Vladimirovich Tsarkov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

кафедра колопроктологии и эндоскопической хирургии ФППОВ


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