The analysis of terms of onset of recurrences and survival without recurrences of patients with cancer of vulva

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The article presents the results of monitoring and analyzes of group of patients with cancer of vulva (809 female patients) during last 30 years. The recurrence occurred in 203 patients (25.09%). Accordingly, recurrence occurred in 18.2% at stage I, in 20.5% at stage II, in 26.68% at stage III and in 46.25% at stage IV of disease. The duration of period without recurrence significantly depends on stage of disease. The higher is stage of disease the shorter is duration of period without recurrence (from 59.3 to 7.24 months). The more is tumor invasion the shorter period without recurrence is. Mostly, recurrence manifests during first three years of monitoring after termination of treatment (in 73.19%). This occurrence testifies the necessity of frequent and dynamic dispensary monitoring of patients using instrumental laboratory techniques of examination for earlier detection of recurrence of tumor with following immediate treatment. In patients with stage II and IV the reliable increase of period without recurrence is noted after application of chemotherapy in complex treatment of cancer of vulva. The detection of survival of patients without recurrence depending on stage of disease provided following data. The five-year survival without recurrence amounted to 46.7% at stage I, 22.4% at stage II. The three-year survival amounted to 2.5% at stage III. The one-year survival amounted to 2.7% at stage IV. Therefore, decrease of survival without recurrence obviously depends on increase of stage of disease. The next factor impacting longevity of patient is a depth of invasion of tumor. Meaning, the more invasion of tumor is the less survival without recurrence is. The detection of effect of primary treatment on survival without recurrence confirmed the positive impact of introduction of chemotherapy into complex treatment of patients with stage III-IV of disease. Hence, the rate of recurrence of cancer of vulva and survival without recurrence depend on the stage of disease, depth of invasion of tumor and applied treatment.


About the authors

Ekaterinf Alekseevna Nerodo

The Rostov oncological research institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Galina Andreevna Nerodo

The Rostov oncological research institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Viktoria Aleksandrovna Ivanova

The Rostov oncological research institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia


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