The evaluation of risk cardiovascular complications in women at menopause: the significance of detection of highly sensitive C-reactive protein

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The sampling of 500 women during period of perimenopause and with risk factors of cardiovascular diseases were examined. The examination of patients considered demographic information, medical histiry data and presence of concomitant diseases. The profile of arterial blood pressure, anthropometric measurement and laboratory analyses were determined. The total ten-year risk of cardiovascular complications was evaluated according to SCORE scale. The relationship of highly sensitive C-reactive protein with main risk factors of development of cardiovascular diseases was analyzed according to Ridker model. It is demonstrated that women in period of pre-menopause and early menopause have extremely unfavorable profile of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. However, risk of cardiovascular diseases calculated according SCORE system refer to high risk category (more that 5%) only 28.5% of female patients. The anti-hypertension therapy received 69.2% of women, but only 34.8% achieved target level of arterial blood pressure. Among female patients with dyslipidemia only 44.8% received hypolipidemic therapy and only in 23.2% of women achieved full control of dyslipidemia. The analysis of association of highly sensitive C-reactive protein with other risk factors of atherosclerosis established that the most close correlation between risk factors and highly sensitive C-reactive protein occurs in patients with arterial hypertension stage III. The patients with arterial hypertension of stage I and II the correlation is less close or even unreliable. This fact testifies the most diagnostic and prognostic significance of evaluation of level of highly sensitive C-reactive protein in patients with arterial hypertension of stage I and II.

About the authors

E. M Andreyevskaya

ФГБУ "Поликлиника № 3" Управления делами Президента РФ

L. O Minushkina

ФГБУ "Учебно-научный медицинский центр" Управления делами Президента РФ



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