The effectiveness of biofeedback therapy of headache of tension in patients with various characteristics of autonomous nervous system

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The article considers the results of the study of comparative effectiveness of the biofeedback therapy of patients with headache of tension. The respiratory training and EEG-biofeedback therapy were applied as a therapy to reduce pain syndrome and amelioration of psycho-physiological conditions of patients. The study covered four groups of human subjects with different indicators of autonomous nervous system according R.M. Bayevskiy under Holter monitoring of variability of cardiac rhythm for all period of awaking condition and availability or absence of vegetative dysfunction reflecting development of chronic condition of headache. The difference of effectiveness of therapy of headache of tension with biofeedback of various types (respiratory or EEG) in patients with different characteristics of autonomous nervous system and presence of syndrome of vegetative dysfunction is statistically approved.

About the authors

Natalija Dmitrievna Sorokina

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university


Gennadiy Vatslavovich Selitskiy

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

Elena Sergeevna Terementseva

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university


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