The arterial hypertension in women of reproductive age

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The prospective medical social study was implemented to research the characteristics of formation and prevalence of arterial hypertension and its significance if decreasing reproductive potential of women. The analysis of results of questionnaire survey established that 28.7±0.9% of women suffered from arterial hypertension. At that, the older were women the more frequently the more severe forms of arterial hypertension were diagnosed. In women, against the background of arterial hypertension, various reproduction losses were observed 1.91 times more often. The family relationship stress, insufficient physical activity, surplus body mass and excessive consumption of curring (salt) are among major risk factors of formation of arterial hypertension. The elimination of these risk factors can both limit prevalence of arterial hypertension among women and decrease reproduction losses conditioned by this disease.

About the authors

Mekhman Agaverdi ogly Gamzayev

The A. Aliyev state institute of post-graduate education of physicians of Minzdrav of the Republic of Azerbaijan



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