The dynamic char acteristics of tuberculosis epidemiological situation in Krasnoyarsk kraiy

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The official statistic data was applied to analyze the tuberculosis epidemic situation in Krasnoyarsk kraiy in 1990-2012. The analysis was applied to indicators of tuberculosis morbidity of all population, children, adolescents. The indicator of population mortality because of tuberculosis was analyzed too. The rate of increase and decrease of the indicators was calculated. The relationship between quantitative and qualitative indicators of active detection of tuberculosis was calculated. In epidemiological situation with tuberculosis three periods were singled out. The first period (1990-2000) consisted of dramatic increase of indicators of morbidity and mortality. The second period (2001-2008) consisted of stabilization of indicators of morbidity and mortality at high level. The third period (2009-2012) consisted of decrease of indicators of morbidity and mortality of population. It is established that rate of decrease of indicators of morbidity and mortality in the third period is significantly lower than rates of their increase in the first period. It is demonstrated that during last four years increase of indicator of morbidity of all population cannot be considered as a guarantor of amelioration of epidemiological situation in the Krasnoyarsk kraiy in the nearest future. The evidence to that are the increased indicators of tuberculosis among children and adolescents. It testifies the presence of hidden reservoir of tuberculosis infection which is related to low qualitative indicators of active detection of this disease among population against the background of qualitative indicators which nowadays achieved the needed value. The conclusion is made about necessity of development of unified personalized information system about undergo of checking fluorography examination by population of the Krasnoyarsk kraiy to account all data on a scale of its territory.

About the authors

N. M Koretskaya

The V.F. Voiyno-Yasenetskiy Krasnoyarsk state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia


A. N Narkevitch

The V.F. Voiyno-Yasenetskiy Krasnoyarsk state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

A. A Narkevitch

The V.F. Voiyno-Yasenetskiy Krasnoyarsk state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia


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