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Developed countries throughout the western world face significant challenges in meeting rising demands for healthcare. There is a growing need to build services that offer a cost effective and consistent quality of care delivered by a highly skilled workforce. Clinicians working in the field of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases will face increasing demands that potentially threaten their ability to deliver high quality care, prompt, yet cost effective care designed for the 21 st Century. Countries that have a well-developed healthcare system within the Western world have already begun the process of addressing these challenges, using a mix of approaches such as service re-design, changes in the workforce provision and a greater focus on delivering a patient focussed approach to care. Service re-design has often used the current workforce in new ways or advanced the skills and competencies of healthcare professionals (including nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, podiatrists and psychologists). Whilst advancing the roles of Health Professional (HP) this process does replace the expertise of their medical colleagues but complements, enabling the physicians to carry out important diagnostic and management decision on complex patients. This paper explores the drivers for change and considers the issues related to changing service delivery to optimise care by applying a strong multi-disciplinary approach to the future of healthcare for Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMD).

About the authors

S. M Oliver

Председатель постоянного комитета профессиональных медицинских работников Европейской антиревматической лиги (EULAR) Великобритания, 7 Trafalgar Lawn, Barnstaple, Devon. EX32 9BD


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