The actual requirements to list of jobs (services) under licensing of medical activity

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The order 12n of Minzdrav of Russia enacted the new types of medical examinations, medical check-ups, listing of specialists with higher and postgraduate and pharmaceutical education in public health of the Russian Federation according the Federal Law 323-FZ. Hence all participants of sphere of licensing are to understand the essence of necessity of re-validation of licenses of occupation of medical activity in case of absence of justifications established by the Federal Law 99-FZ, article 18 section 1 to classify medical activity as a new job (service) which the licensee intend to implement but they are not mentioned in the annex to actual license.

About the authors

N. G Gontcharov

ГОУ ДПО Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования

Кафедра организации здравоохранения и общественного здоровья

Yu. Ya Boiytchenko

ГОУ ДПО Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования

Кафедра организации здравоохранения и общественного здоровья


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