The life quality of patients after electropulse therapy under singlestage correction of mitral valve failure and fi brillation of atriums

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The sampling of study included patients after single-stage surgical correction of mitral valve failure and fibrillation of atriums using radio-frequency procedure "Labyrinth". The indicators of quality of life had been evaluated threefold with questionnaire SF-36 (initially, before application of electropulse therapy and after restoration of sinus rhythm) namely in three months after cardiac surgery intervention. The examined patients with fibrillation of atriums had low indicators of physical and psychological health. After restoration of sinus rhythm physical component of health increased up to 15.8% in patients with mechanical prostheses and up to 17.4% in patients with biological prostheses (p<0.05). At that, indicator of psychological component of health turned out to be twice higher in patients with biological valves than in patients with mechanical valves (p<0.01). The higher values of psychological component of health are related to withdrawal of warfarin in patients with biological prostheses of heart valves.

About the authors

Elena Vladimirovna Gorbunova

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences


Mariya Petrovna Romanova

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences

Sergey Alexeevich Maksimov

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences

Sergey Evgenievich Mamtchur

The research institute of complex problems of cardiovascular diseases of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences


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