The diagnostic value of proteinuria and microalbuminuria in pregnant women with increased arterial pressure

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The article presents the summary of results from national and international studies concerning the diagnostic value of proteinuria and microalbuminuria in pregnant women with increased arterial pressure. The physiologic alterations of renal function occurring with progression of pregnancy are described. The pathogenic aspects of hemodynamic and morphologic alterations in kidneys under hypertension of pregnant women are discussed. The evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of different techniques of identification of proteinuria and microalbuminuria is presented. The opposite suggestions concerning the role of mentioned indications of disorders of kidneys functioning in pregnant women with arterial hypertension are presented. The analysis of large factual material made it possible to assess the role of proteinuria and microalbuminuria in prognosis of complications of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. The conclusion is made about the need of further studies of diagnostic value of development of these symptoms under pregnancy.

About the authors

Yana Valerevna Brytkova

The A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow state medical stomatologic university

Moscow, Russia


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