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The article considers the issues of radionuclide diagnostics of inflammatory processes using 99mTc-labeled antibacterial preparations. The modes of synthesis and perspectives of their implementation in nuclear medicine are discussed. The results of clinical studies of the mentioned group of radiology diagnostic remedies are contradictory though indicate at the possibility of using then to differentiate infective and aseptic inflammation. As compared to traditionally used in scintigraphic diagnostics the radiologic pharmacologic preparations on the basis of radionuclide-labeled autologic leucocytes (99mTc- and 111Inlabeled leucocytes) the antibiotics have a significant advantage related to making of radiologic pharmacologic preparations. Taking into account the character of physiologic allocation of indicators on the basis of antibacterial remedies, (the higher accumulation in abdominal organs) the mostly probable area of their application is the scintigraphic diagnostics of infective inflammatory diseases of bones and joints.

About the authors

S. I Sazonova

The research institute of cardiology of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences

Лаборатория радионуклидных методов исследования

N. V Varlamova

The research institute of cardiology of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences

Лаборатория радионуклидных методов исследования

Yu. B Lishmanov

The research institute of cardiology of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences

Лаборатория радионуклидных методов исследования


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