The lacunar infarction

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The article considers pathogenic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of lacunar infarctions. It is emphasized that the source of their occurrence can be found in arterial hypertension, affection of arterioles supplying blood to remote section of cerebral hemispheres and brain trunk as well. The description of clinical characteristics of main lacunar syndromes (purely locomotor stroke, purely sensitive stroke, sensorimotor stroke, ataxic hemiparesis, syndrome of dysarthria and inept hand) is given. The recommendations on treatment and prevention of lacunar infarction are proposed.

About the authors

Maksim Alekseevich Domashenko

The research center of neurology of of the Russian academy of medical sciences

Moscow, Russia

Anna Igorevna Damulina

The research center of neurology of of the Russian academy of medical sciences

Moscow, Russia


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