The ultrasound diagnostic of atypical venous thrombosis in the system of inferior vena cava as one of methods of differential diagnostic of thrombembolia of pulmonary artery from unclear source

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The article presents the experience of ultrasound examinations of blood flow in the system of inferior vena cava using the sample of 21 patients with atypical sources of development of thrombi. The most probable atypical zones of thrombi outcome and their relationship with main disease of patients are described. The particular attention is paid to application of ultrasound examinations of venous blood flow in case of diagnosis of "thrombembolia of pulmonary artery from unclear source". The article presents the characteristics of ultrasound picture of atypical phlebothrombosis and describes possible difficulties and errors during their examination. The algorithm of verification of ultrasound diagnosis using the application of other methods of examination is exposed.

About the authors

Elena Aleksandrovna Maruschak

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia


Andrey Ruslanovich Zubarev

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia



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