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The endomicroscopy using confocal laser scanning system Cellvizio (Mauna Kea Technologies, France) was applied to 51 patients with suspicion on Barrett esophagus during standard esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This is a new non-invasive technique which by the use of diminutive confocal endomicroscope in the real-time mode provides an opportunity to visualize various types of epithelium cells and to detect cell and vessel alterations typical for Barrett esophagus and related with it neoplastic transformations of epithelium. The data is compared concerning the endomicroscopic and morphologic reports. The Barrett esophagus and associated neoplasia can be detected with sensitivity of 97.1 and 92.7% and specificity of 94.1 and 98.2% correspondingly (accuracy 96.6 and 97.2%).

About the authors

V. A Solodkiy

The Russian research center of radiology and nuclear medicine of Minzdrav of Russia

Отделение эндоскопических и рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения хирургического отдела

Yu. V Sinev

The Russian research center of radiology and nuclear medicine of Minzdrav of Russia

Отделение эндоскопических и рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения хирургического отдела

O. V Ivanova

The Russian research center of radiology and nuclear medicine of Minzdrav of Russia

Отделение эндоскопических и рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения хирургического отдела

I. B Grunin

The Russian research center of radiology and nuclear medicine of Minzdrav of Russia

Отделение эндоскопических и рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения хирургического отдела

P. B Kolomatskaya

The Russian research center of radiology and nuclear medicine of Minzdrav of Russia

врач отделения эндоскопических и рентгенохирургических методов диагностики и лечения хирургического отдела


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