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The article presents the data concerning the complex treatment of 105 children suffering of residual chronic cystitis from department of nephrology of the Russian children clinical hospital. All children passed full nephrologic urologic examination. The biopsy of granules of mucous membrane of urinary bladder was applied to 6 girls with granular chronic cystitis. The detection with electronic microscopy in urothelium of these biopsy materials the intranuclear inclusions similar to large viruses jointly with the results of virus examination made it possible to suspect the involvement of viruses of primarily of herpetic group in etiology of granular cystitis in children. The children besides the courses of antibacterial pharmaceuticals and physiotherapy received intravesical therapy in the form of instillation of urinary bladder with various preparations. The involvement of antiviral preparations (derivatives of interferon and interferon inductors) into the therapy applied to children with residual course of granular cystitis and inclusion of antiviral active chlorhexidine into intravesical therapy promoted more rapid onset of clinical laboratory remission.

About the authors

E. V Melyekhina

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

Email: e.melekhina@mail.ru

O. L Tchugunova

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

A. V Filippov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university of Minzdrav of Russia


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