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The analysis of medical documentation of 460 post-vaccination complications of bone system in children vaccinated with BCG-M was made. In 2001-2010, the significant increase of numbers of this form of post-vaccination complications developed exclusively after initial vaccination was established. The characteristics of localization of bone lesions as compared with lesions in case of tuberculosis were established. Despite the present health disorders in mothers during pregnancy most of ill children had no clinical symptoms of diseases testifying the presence of development defects of immune system.

About the authors

Yu. A Khokholov

The research center of expertise of means of medical purpose of Minzdrav of Russia

N. A Ozeretskovsky

The research center of expertise of means of medical purpose of Minzdrav of Russia

канд. мед. наук, гл. эксперт

I. I Snegyreva

The research center of expertise of means of medical purpose of Minzdrav of Russia

K. E Zatolotchina

The research center of expertise of means of medical purpose of Minzdrav of Russia

S. G Aleksyna

The research center of expertise of means of medical purpose of Minzdrav of Russia

T. N Nikitina

The research center of expertise of means of medical purpose of Minzdrav of Russia


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