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In Chuvashia, the prevalence of drug addiction in population is 2.57 times lower as compared with Russia and Privolzhskiy Federal okrug. Nevertheless, the trend of annual 4-5% increase of number of patients with drug addiction and cases of intoxication by psychoactive substances as well is still present. The comprehensive assessment of narcologic care and medical social rehabilitation of persons with drug abuse is presented. The implementation of the Republic target antidrug programs and results of activities in the field of prevention of non-medical use of psychoactive substances are described.

About the authors

Irina Evgenevna Bulygina

The I.N. Uliyanov Chuvashia state university

Кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии 428015, Чебоксары, Россия

A. V Golenkov

The I.N. Uliyanov Chuvashia state university

Кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии 428015, Чебоксары, Россия


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