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The article deals with the results of treatment of 578 patients with ulcerous gastro-duodenal bleedings in 2001-2010. The patients are divided into two groups of 275 and 296 patients. In 2001-2005, the different methods of isolated endoscopic hemostasis were applied to the patients of first group in case of ulcerous bleeding underwent. In 2006-2010, the combined endoscopic hemostasis method developed in the hospital was applied to the patients of second group in case of ulcerous bleeding. The application of combined endoscopic hemostasis method in case of ulcerous gastro-duodenal bleedings decreased number of bleeding relapses from 17.5% to 1.7%, number of operated patients from 26.9% to 9.9% and total lethality from 4% to 1%.

About the authors

V. P Sadjyn

I.P. Pavlov Ryazan state medical university; The Novomoskovsk municipal clinical hospital

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. хирургии и общеврачебной подготовки с курсом эндохирургии ФДПО

V. M Savelyev

I.P. Pavlov Ryazan state medical university; The Novomoskovsk municipal clinical hospital

Кафедра хирургии и общеврачебной подготовки с курсом эндохирургии ФДПО

I. V Sadjyn

I.P. Pavlov Ryazan state medical university; The Novomoskovsk municipal clinical hospital

Кафедра хирургии и общеврачебной подготовки с курсом эндохирургии ФДПО

D. Ye Klimov

I.P. Pavlov Ryazan state medical university; The Novomoskovsk municipal clinical hospital

Кафедра хирургии и общеврачебной подготовки с курсом эндохирургии ФДПО

S. V Grydjenko

I.P. Pavlov Ryazan state medical university; The Novomoskovsk municipal clinical hospital

Кафедра хирургии и общеврачебной подготовки с курсом эндохирургии ФДПО


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